Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Past few days...

CrossFit Total yesterday for Billy and Steve. Both demonstrated impressive benchmarks in the 3 movements (back squat, standing overhead press, and deadlift). Billy is going into the 11th grade and is a tall (5'10"-6') at 145lbs. Steve is going into the 9th grade and is 5'6" at 115lbs.

Billy - Squat=145lbs. ; Press=80lbs. ; Deadlift=185lbs.
Steve - Squat=115lbs. ; Press=65lbs. ; Deadlift=155lbs.

Tuesday evening Greg, Brielle, and I did our WODs. Greg and Brie did 5 rounds for time of 15 sandbag cleans (20lb bag) and 15 push-ups. Greg = 14:10 ; Brie = 17:40. I did a different WOD since we only had the one sandbag and did 3 rounds for time of 15 kettlebell snatches (1.5 pood or 24kg or 52.9109429 pounds) X 15 pull-ups. The snatches were done 15 right, then 15 left. They really took it out of me by the time I had to jump up on the pull-up bar. My time was 15:40.

At lunch on Monday I did my WOD of 60 kb (1.5 pood) snatches for time alternating right and left side. Time was 6:32. Later that evening, Shirley, Brie, Corina, Greg, and I went back to Princeton to go rock climbing. Very hot and crowded but still loads of fun.

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