Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Broken Man!

The broken man I'm referring to is me. After seeing the 5 rounds for time posted on the main CF page of 135lb deadlifts(15reps), 135lb hang power cleans (12reps), 135lb front squat(9reps), and 135lb push jerks(6reps), I shook in my boots but decided to go for it with scaling where needed. I kept the 135lb deadlifts, scaled to 85lb for the hang power clean, 95lb for the front squat, and 85lb for the push jerk. Even being scaled, it took me over 40 minutes. My will was broken by the 3rd round and my feelings were crushed. LOL! :( Conclusion from this WOD = I am weak and slow! Hey thats CrossFit for you. It never ceases to humble you.

This evening Brielle and Greg got another WOD in. We reviewed some of our previous movements, covered the thruster with the "rice" bag, attempted push-ups and seated dips with low hung rings. Still need to build our strength up for the rings so we subbed it with flat land push-ups, Brielle from the knees, and got creative with the seated dips and used mine and Greg's front bumpers on our cars.

5 rounds for time of:
*400m lap around parking lot.
*10 push-ups.
*10 "rice bag" thrusters.
*10 seated car bumper dips.

Brielle - 20:17
Greg - 24:20

Way to push through! Awesome intensity!

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