Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Catching up!

A lot has happened since our last post. My apologies to everyone for falling behind. No excuses! Lets bring everyone up to date now.

Monday - My noon time WOD was Lynne: Bodyweight (155lbs.) bench press / Pull-ups, max per round, for 5 rounds.

1. BP-10, PU-32
2. BP-7, PU-25
3. BP-6, PU-20
4. BP-5, PU-16
5. BP-5, PU-12

Monday afternoon with Billy (High School Athlete).
Drilled the Squat, Front Squat, and Overhead Squat. Followed by Tabata Squats.
Billy did awesome! His score was 11.

Monday evening with Brielle and Greg. Fight Gone Bad! 3 five minute rounds continuous through 5 stations (box jump, SDHP, Push-Press, Rowing for Calories, Wallball thrusters.)
Scaled to:
184 - Greg - 45lb SDHP, 25lb dumbells for Push Press, and a 20lb dumbell sub for the Wallball.
259 -Brielle - 25lb SDHP, 10lb dumbells for Push Press, and a 10lb dumbell sub for the Wallball.
You guys made it through! Way to go!

Tuesday at lunch - Tabata rowing for me! 8 rounds of 20 seconds work all out followed by 10 seconds rest. Can you say heart rate through the ceiling!

Tuesday evening - Greg and Brielle (and dog Mitch) ran a 5K!

Today at lunch with Billy and brother Steve. Reviewed the 3 squats, covered kipping pull-ups, and finished with Fran (scaled). Jump assisted pull-ups, reduced weight, and count of 17, 12, 9
-Billy w/45lb thrusters - time of 4:21
-Steve w/25lb thrusters - time of: 4:10

Looked tough out there guys! Awesome work!

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