Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Double session Tuesday

"CrossFit has the potential to change the popular cultural perception of what exercise actually means over the next decade, and I will watch with delight as selectorized leg machines are melted down into more useful items like re-bar and manhole covers." - The Wit and Wisdom of Mark Rippetoe

This afternoon, the "young-ins"(Jaz, Steve, and Billy) ran through a 3 station AMRAP WOD for 20 minutes after a nice warm-up and drilling of the movements. The 3 stations were performed at 12 reps a piece in constant rotation. Those stations were body rows on the rings, burpees, and over-head squats with the pvc. Jaz got in 5 rounds, while Billy and Steve tied it up with 7. Great intensity and the form is definitely improving.

As the sun set, Katie, Brielle, and Greg warmed up and jumped right into studying and practicing the kettlebell clean. From there they tried the kb push-press, and then the jerk. For their WOD, they tackled the following.

AMRAP for 20 mins:
-10 left and right kb clean to push-press (Brie and Katie used the 12kg kb, Katie just cleaned; Greg used the 16kg kb)
-10 rubber-band/jump assist pull-ups

Greg - 7; Brie - 8; Katie - 5

Tonight was Katie's first shot at CrossFit. Awesome job Katie and thanks for coming out to train!

I finished by sneaking in my WOD after everyone was done. Hey, the trainer has to get his in to!
For time: 13:00 even (for some reason, I hate when I land on an even numbered time.)
-21 kb snatches w/16kg kb, left and right side
-21 pull-ups

On a closing note. Just as we were about to leave a gentleman who had to be in his 60's dressed in sweats jumped up on the pull-up bar and to our astonishment began to swing and kip into a full on bar muscle-up! What an inspiration. With that one single movement, he basically told nursing homes everywhere to shove it! We stood in awe while gave him a big thumbs up and invited him to come train with us and maybe teach us a thing or two.

1 comment:

Gerry said...

Can't wait to get back from my injury. Once I'm back I want to feel the pain.