Wednesday, July 16, 2008

On Fire!

Last night we all gathered together with our new Push/Pull shirts to do our WOD at the track. Gerry (one of Trenton's Finest, Trenton Fire Department) brought his firemans' gear to work out in. He wasn't playing around as he geared up from the hat, jacket, pants, and boots. Just imagine all that extra weight and cover trapping in all your body heat plus the added heat of a fire.

3 rounds for time:
-400m run
-hop up and over the fence onto bleachers; bear crawls up bleachers X3.
-21 kb swings (Brielle-12kg, Greg and Gerry-16kg, Bryan-24kg)

Gerry (with fire gear on for 1st round) - 19:47
Greg - 17:35
Brielle - 16:50
Bryan - 12:56

1 comment:

Gerry said...

It was a great day and I can't wait for the next session. A couple of days later and I still feel my traps from the kettle bells. Next time my goal will be to puck lol.