Friday, August 29, 2008


5x5x5x5x5 Deadlifts for Collin. Collin is about 80lbs. and has managed to learn the deadlift with proper technique and form to rep 55lbs. Won't be long before he is able to do twice his bodyweight x 2 and beyond.

Sunday's "Hike for the Fallen". Brielle, Shirley, Greg, the 2 dogs (Mitch and Judo), and myself did a 12 mile hike through the Appalachian Trail. It was a long day and poor Judo marched on to the point of raw pads. He's recovered just fine after a few days. We hiked in honor of our service men and women abroad who have fallen in the line of duty serving our country.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Clean, Jerk, Sprint

3 rounds:
21, 15, 9 Kettlebell Clean & Jerk, R & L side; 80 ' X 4 sprints touching top of cone.
12:02 - Brielle
20:49 - Greg

Friday, August 15, 2008

"increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains."

The latest collage from the past couple WODS. Keep up the hard work guys!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dodging Asian Tiger Mosquitoes

As part of tonights WOD we had to dodge and combat Asian Tiger Mosquitoes. In my opinion, they are the CrossFitters of the mosquito world. Seems like they are trying to bight you either for time or AMRAP. Another thing is, when the rubber-band slips off your knees and slaps you in the neck, it hurts! Ask Greg. See video. Moral of the story? Try not to let that happen!

AMRAP: Greg-5 rounds; Brielle-4 rounds
-10 rubber-band assisted ring dips
-15 ricebag clean, push-press, over-head squat
-200' farmer walk w/16kg kettlebells

Jazmin, Conner, and Collin drilled their air-squats. Flat backs, chests up, weight in the heels, below parallel. They also worked on strengthening their pull-ups by jumping to the top position and resisting on the way down. Lastly, with their feet piked up on a bench, they worked on the position for hand-stand push-ups. All together their WOD was as follows.

5 rounds for time of: Jaz-13:30; Conner-9:08; Collin-11:50.
-5 jump assisted pull-ups with negative return
-10 assisted hand-stand push-ups
-15 squats

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bringing you up to speed

"Kettlebell handle in the face. No good comes from that." - Jeff Martone
My apologies for falling behind on the posts since last week. Its been busy, but no excuses. This past weekend I drove up to the Allentown, PA Police Academy to attend a 2 day Level 1 CrossFit Kettlebell Cert with Jeff Martone. Jeff owns and operates Tactical Athlete. As expected, it was great. Great material, great instruction, and great group of people. Nice to see a couple familiar faces from my Level 1 Cert (Jason and Niki from Albany CrossFit in NY)
Jeff demo'd a Turkish Get-up using Niki. Check it out. Videos taken by Jason of Albany CrossFit.

Jeff does TGU with Niki from Albany CrossFit on Vimeo.

Jeff also demo'd some Hand-2-Hand kettlebell juggling.

The performance test was to evaluate our proficiency with 20 movements that we covered within the weekend. I got a green light and passed after making some minor corrections to my Turkish Get-up.

Now lets catch up with today's WOD and before this past weekend. Conner and Jazmin worked on their power swings followed up with push-ups. 5 rounds for time with 20 reps each.
Jaz finished at 12:56 and Conner at 13:01. Conner switched over to sit-ups about half since his left shoulder was bothering him. Way to keep it moving and sticking it out!

Greg and Brielle practiced their swings and variations, from the 2 handed Russian, American, and Power swings. They also played around with a 2 hand release and catch, wall-ball subs, and single handed swings using 1/4 turn and h2h hand switches. For their WOD, the did the following.

Three 5 minute rounds of kettlebell swings of your choice for 20 reps followed by 80' walking lunges. 1 minute rest in between each round.

Here's last Thursdays WOD:
For time, 4 rounds of: 20 R&L KB snatches, 3X35' Tiger Crawls, 20 Harvard Step Test climbs, 20 rice bag wall shots at 8+ feet at 10lbs. Brielle-28:55 ; Greg-30:06

Jazmin and Conner did 1/2 an Angie and subbed the squats with standing vertical jump wall touches. 50 each of rubber-band assisted pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, and jumps for time. Jazz - 15:58 ; Conner - 13:24. Conner had knee surgery back in January so we're working on getting the squats in.

Here's a little montage of a couple WODs. Enjoy!